Dear Business Partners and Employees,

GIG Sigorta A.Ş. shall not accept illegitimate and illegal procedures and acts.

GIG Sigorta A.Ş Compliance Reporting Hotline has been established in order to detect and to prevent repetition of fraudulent acts and all kinds of abuse which may be performed by Company employees, customers and third parties.

Our employees and business partners are individually responsible for reporting such behavior in their area of activity. You can report suspected or personally witnessed illegitimate and illegal procedures and actions by sending an e-mail to or by calling 0216 681 75 28 on business days between 08:00 - 17:00 hours.

When you file a report, information obtained from you shall be conveyed to GIG Sigorta A.Ş. Compliance Department. Compliance Department shall review the report content and an investigation shall be initiated related with your concerns.

You do not need to provide your identification data to file a report. You can hide or declare your identity. Reports made via internet shall also be monitored without any identity investigation. However, you are recommended to identify yourself when making a report; thus the information you provide shall be subject to immediate and comprehensive investigation.

Your identity shall be kept confidential in any attempt to be made in line with the applicable regulations upon your report. Please keep in mind that the employer shall not make any retaliation or punishment attempts for reports made in good faith.

GIG Sigorta A.S. Compliance Reporting Hotline does not deal with personal issues or issues within the activity scope of Human Resources Department such as recruitment, promotion, assignment, leave, compensation, bonus, rights, performance and similar. For such issues, you should first contact your manager or Human Resources Department.

GIG Sigorta A.Ş Compliance Reporting Hotline


Phone: 0216 681 75 28